SlowView History: =========================== October 21st 2001 - Version 0.9.8: ================================== o Full Support for Quicktime 5! If you have Quicktime installed, just play a *.mov file with Slowview and you will see what i mean. If you do not have Quicktime installed, nothing will change for you. o Improved MP3Player: Now the ID3v1/v2.2/v2.3/v2.4 taginfo is shown when its available! o BMPs can now be saved in 16 and 32bit format too. o Added workaround for limitation on scaling big images into more than 2000% on Win9x which resulted in a nice crash. o DjVu Loader does now react correct on non/invalid DjVuImages (means it does not crash anymore :). o Fixed a bug with loading 1bit GIF Images showing only a blank image. o Big CMYK TIF Files do now display correct (though a bit too bright). o Fixed a WMF/EMF Loadingbug. o CMYK JPG's have now correct colors. o Added support for the DivX Extension (*.divx). o Fixed a bug displaying PrintingPreview on Win9x. o Added Preview to the Openfiledialogbox. o Fixed a bug in the WBMP Loader. o PCD Loader pays now attention to the orientation of the image. o Added Tools->Export RAW Imagedata (*.raw). o SlowView remembers the last used OpenFilter in the OpenFileDialog. o Added options to choose the startdirectory for browser: current directory, last used directory, or specified directory. o Fixed a refreshbug when switching to fullscreenmode. o Fixed that refreshbug where the DirectoryListWindow in Browsemode got overdrawn by big images. This bug occured as far as i know only on Win9x. o SV does now differ between simplified and traditional chinese. o The polish languagefile got updated and revised. o Added Language: Galician, Russian. o Fixed the bug where when loading an image the filename shown in slowview's title bar was always the filename of the first file in the current directory and not the filename of the image loaded. o Added Function "Refresh" for Thumbnailer. The Hotkey is F5. o Finally added support for TWAIN: Get the Images from your Scanner, Digital Camera, etc. easily with SlowView! ;-) o Added support for Ogg Vorbis Format! Note that you will need to install the MediaXW (Media Extension for Windows) codecs to play Ogg files with SlowView. Get the free codecs from here: o Added "Rename Multiple" command to the Thumbnailer! Simply select some thumbs/files and right-click to choose "Rename Multiple" and see yourself! o SlowView is now fully Windows XP compatible. o The Content of the Helpfile got updated :-) o Improved internal Fileassociationworks. o Interfaced with libmng 1.0.3. o Some small bugfixes/changes. August 4th 2001 - Version 0.9.7: ================================ o Fixed the bug when after using the batchconverter or catalogcreator a messagebox popped up whenever one clicked a button. o SlowView is now available with a real installer (including uninstaller etc.). The Freeware Inno Setup is used. o A real Helpfile (*.chm) (though theres still no updated helpcontent ;-) o Added new commandlineparamter "o". This shows the Settings/Options with the Filetypestab selected. example: slowview.exe -o will start SV and immediately show the options. o Fixed the bug with files (especially mpeg) appearing twice in the thumbnailer. o A new default toolbar is now chosen when starting SlowView for the first time. o Removed the Options: Tools->Restore Original Toolbar. There was no real need anymore for this function. o Added new Viewmode: Fit only big Images to Window. In this mode, Images bigger than the screen resolution will resize to best fit to screen, images smaller than the screen resolution will be shown with original size. o SlowView does now when started the first time on a system chose the correct language for the system (if the language is supported by SlowView of course). For example, on a spanish system, SV will detect the userlanguage and automatically start with the spanish languagefile chosen. If the found language is not supported, SV will default to english. o Interfaced with libmng 1.0.2. o New Icons for the middle Toolbar! o New Fillassociations-icons! o Some small bugfixes/changes. June 17th 2001 - Version 0.9.6d: ================================ o Added File->Open With (PhotoShop, PhotoPaint, Paint Shop Pro, Media Player). o Added Options "Always start in Fullscreenmode" under Options->Appearance->Fullscreen. With this enabled, an single image will always be shown in fullscreen, and a doublclick on an image in thumbnailsmode will then do the same. o Fixed a small displaybug with videofiles in fullscreenmode. o Reenabled the GIF Save support which i accidentely disabled in the previous version. o Additional Languagesupport: Chinese, Korean o Interfaced with libpng 1.0.11. o Interfaced with libmng 1.0.1. May 07th 2001 - Version 0.9.6a: =============================== o Just a maintenance release: SlowView.exe does not use UPX Compression anymore due to numerous problems on different systems. April 30th 2001 - Version 0.9.6: ================================ o !IMPORTANT UPDATEINFO!: To avoid any errors, it is important that you when first start SlowView clear the caching database (when you have enabled Thumbnailcaching that is). Go to Tools->Database Maintenance and select "Delete All", then press Yes. o All new Languagemanagement: Under "Tools->Set Language" you can now choose which of the installed languages you want to use with SV, and you can immediately change to that language (no restart needed). Also its possible to add support for more languages afterwards (eg: japanese, russian, chinese, etc..). o Added Show/Add AlphaChannel command for images containing AlphaChannels. Especially for SoftImage Pic Files. o Using the "Sent To" command with SlowView works now. o Many small bugfixes/improvement/changes done...i cant remember anymore what exactly... o Some bugfixes in the Dither 4 and 8bit commands. o Some bugfixes in the Fullscreenmode. o The middle mousebutton toggles now between Fullscreenmode. o Rewrote the Directorysearchfunction using a modified version of Sedgewick's Quicksort algorithm. o Fixed a bug in the "Clear list of Thumbnaildirectories" command in the options. o Added quick "getting back to thumbnailsmode". Start Thumbnails, select an image, doubleclick with the left mousebutton to view it in singleviewmode, then again doubeclick with the left mousebutton, and see... ;) o Completely rewritten Imageengine. A bit faster, uses about half of the memory previously needed for loading images, and you can now also load really big images with SV. (eg: a TIF 18456x13987x1 is now no problem anymore). o Added "Lock Zoom" possibility to the viewmenu. When this is enabled, the zoom and pan values are kept when loading a new image. This eases comparing images at high/low zoomrates. o Added Clipboard commands to the Contextmenu fo the Thumbnailer. With this you can easily copy the filenames of the selected images to the clipboard and for example paste them into texteditors. o Rewrote the Printerfunctions. Now with PrintPreview and additonal setup parameters. o Rewrote the Undomechanism. For storing Undo information, additional memory is not required anymore. SV does now store Undoinformation on the harddisk. o Improved JPG and PNG Loaders. o Added Savesupport for AT&T Djvu Images (*.djvu). o Added Loadsupport for Softimage PIC Image (*.pic). o Added Loadsupport for AT&T Djvu Images (*.djvu). o Added Loadsupport for JBIG BiLevel Images (*.jbg). o Added Loadsupport for Kodak FlashPix Images (*.fpx). o Added Loadsupport for Encapsulated Postscript files (Preview) (*.eps). o Added Loadsupport for Paint Shop Pro Images (Preview only) (*.psp). o Added Loadsupport for Kodak PhotoCD Images (*.pcd). o Added Loadsupport for Wireless Bitmaps (*.wbmp). o Added Loadsupport for LView Pro Images (*.lvp). o Fixed some bugs in the sharpeneffect. o The option "Show Mousecursor" (enable/disable) in fullscreenmode works now ;). o Improved Toolbar: Support for Buttonlabels, Gradientbackground and right-click on the toolbar, Chevrons, etc ;-). o Interfaced with libpng 1.0.9. o Interfaced with libmng 1.0.0+. Get it for free at ! o Some small bugfixes/improvements. January 22nd 2001 - Version 0.9.4: ================================== o New Hotkeys for Next/Prev Image: Space/Backspace. Note that PageDn/PageUp still works. o Added a 4th Toolbar (Large Toolbar). (Again created by Guillaume ;) o Added MenuBitmaps created by Guillaume Obser. Thanks ;-) o Improved Scrolling images with the cursorkeys: When holding down Shift - Scrolling is slow. When holding down Ctrl - Scrolling is fast. o Improved Keyboardsupport in Thumbnailer: With Tab you can finally switch between the Thumbnails and the Previewpane. When holding down Ctrl+ using the arrowkeys, you can scroll the Thumbnails. o Added new commandline option: -s="Directory" for starting a SlideShow. Example: Start SlideShow in Fullscreen with specified Directory: Slowview.exe -f -s="C:\MyPicsForExample" o Finally all hotkeys work in Thumbnailsmode! ;-) o Improved Database Maintenance. o SlowView is now also available in italian! o Fixed several glinches with the spanish translation. o Some modifications in the view menu. o Fixed a thumbnailsdisplaybug on Win2k. o Removed Thumbnailoption->Show Filename. o Changed Fullscreenmodebehavior: The mouse works now the way it works in singleviewmode (leftbutton drag images, right button contextmenu or selectionrectangle). o Added some functions to the contextmenu. o A doubleclick with the left mousebutton does now start the Thumbnailer or closes it in case it is already open. o Finally fixed all bugs in the copy/move/delete/rename functions. They should now work on every system. o Fixed some displaybugs in Fullscreenmode on WinNT4 and Win2k. o Quite some small bugfixes/improvements. December 31st 2000 - Version 0.9.3: =================================== o CHANGE:Scrolling big images is now again done with the LEFT mousebutton, and the selectionrectanglestuff is now done with the RIGHT mousebutton. o Added Select All to Editmenu for Thumbnailer. o Reorganized the Hotkeys. o Fixed several memoryleaks. o Renamed "Options.txt" to "SlowView.ini". o Deleted Option: Thumbnails-> ReportView only -> Show Gridlines and Full Row Select. Those two styles are now set automatically. o Deleted Option: Thumbnails-> Use predefined Thumbnailsizes stuff.. o Deleted Option: Thumbnails-> Only show registered formats. o Deleted Option: Thumbnails-> Show Full Pathname. o BUGFIX: For people that use Windows Exlorer and the inbuilt Thumbnails for GIF, JPG and BMP images: SlowView does not anymore disable the Thumbnails when associating it to GIF, JPG or BMP Files. If you used a previous version of SlowView and want to restore the Thumbnails in Explorer, please contact me and i will send you some info on how to do this. o Added "Fullscreen" option to the Thumbnailercontextmenu for quickly viewing Images in Fullscreen. Then you can press Enter or Escape to return to the Thumbnailer. o Added Option "Options->Viewer->Fullscreen->Show Image Full Size". When this is set, the images in Fullscreenmode are shown with their full size, and you can scroll them with the cursorkeys, and ZoomIn/Out with the Zoom hotkeys. If this flag is not set, Images bigger than the screenresolution will get scaled to fit the Screendimensions, and scrolling will not be possible. o You can now scroll images also with the cursorkeys, not only the right mousebutton anymore. o Fixed a bug when renaming images in the thumbnailer. o Note: The new hotkeys for Next/Prev Image are now: PAGE DOWN/PAGE UP. Or use the mousewheel, ya know ;) o You can now also Zoom in Thumbnailsmode when using the "no fit/Full Size" view! o Switching from Thumbnailsmode to Fullscreen and back to Thumbnailsmode (showing the current image) works now. o Improved Mousewheelsupport: When you hold down the Ctrl key and move the mousewheel, you can zoomin/zoomout the picture. o Improved CopyTo and MoveTo dialogs (now with recently used directories list). It also shows you the directories you used (and you can delete them when no longer needed, too). o The thumbnailcaching is now only active on fixed drives (not on CD-ROM/removable/network drives). o Several small Bugfixes/Improvements/Changes. December 17th 2000 - Version 0.9.2: =================================== o IMPORTANT UPDATE INFO: When first running this version, and you had already installed an older version of SlowView, choose "Utils->Restore Default Toolbar", then the Toolbarbuttons will look ok again (the reason is that this version has 2 new Toolbarbuttons that older versions of SlowView of course don't know). o Added Effect: Sharpen. o Fixed a memoryleak in the Thumbnailer when switching Viewstyles. o Improved loading of big images (3000x3000 or higher) on Win9x. o Fixed a TGA-Loader bug with 16 and 15bit RLE-packed TGAs. o SlowView is now also available in spanish! o Added a one-step UNDO for Edit-Paste and all imagemanipulationfunctions except Resize and Rotate. Note that Undo requires more memory. o Added Options to show/hide Toolbarbackgroundimage. o Added Mousewheelsupport for Next/Prev Image. o Increased the maximum count of imagesfilenames in the Directorysearch from 5000 to 10000 Files. o Added a CatalogCreator: With this tool you can scan in images starting at a supplied rootdirectory including all subdirectories, and SV will generate Thumbnails out of the loaded images and store them in a packed SlowView Catalog File (*.svc). You can then later load such a catalog file, and view the thumbnails (even if the origial Images aren't available). This is perfect for example if you want to scan in a CD-ROM containing Images. With the SlowView Catalog File you can then always view the images of a CD-ROM even when the CD-ROM is not plugged in. So this is the tool for always knowing whats going on in your Image or Videocollection. Don't forget to associate *.svc Files with SlowView! o Added Contextmenu to the thumbnailer (you know, the popupmenu when pressing the right mousebutton on a thumbnail). o A doubleclick with the leftmousebutton on a thumbnailimage does now load the image in single view mode (and thus also closes the thumbnailer). o Added Option to set the following commands (in fileassociation options): "Browse with SlowView" for Directories and/or Drives. (You can use them when rightclicking on a folder in Explorer for example). o Added Thumbnailcaching!!! The Thumbnailer now automatically chaches the generated thumbnails of a directory and uses them the next time this directory gets loaded. He also checks if a file got modified or deleted, or a file is new and updates then the database. o Added support for Animated GIF Files using local colormaps. o Added possibility to use predefined Thumbnailsizes in Options: 150x150, 200x200, 250x250, 300x300, 350x350, 400x400 Pixel. o Several small Bugfixes/Improvements/Changes. November 20th 2000 - Version 0.9.0 (Version 1.90 Dev): ====================================================== o Added LoadSupport for the following Formats: Video: AVI, MPEG, MOV, ASF, WMV Sound: wav, snd, aif, wma, mp1, mp2, mp3, mid, rmi, au. o Speeded up DirectoryExtension Search. o Deleting multiple files in Thumbnailer now works as fast as it should. o Added Save support for 8bit (not only 24bit) for the following formats: BMP, PCX, PNG, MNG. o Saving GIF Files now works better, when SourceImage has a Bitdepth <= 8bit. o Implemented "Use Last Windowposition" mode. (Enable/Disable can be found in the View-Menu). o Completely rewrote the messaging system for the Thumbnailer. It works now better, and you can select a Directory with a Doubleclick, an Image with a single Click. o Added a DirectoryView to the Thumbnailer ;-). o Improved the Thumbails-Report View. o Fixed the Batchconverterdisplaybug that occured on some systems. o Added full Load/Save support for MNG (Multiple-Image Network Graphics)!!! You can also batchconvert animated GIF files to animated MNG! MNG is completely patentfree and _WAY_ better than GIF! For now you can get an IE/NN Browser Plugin here: Note, that future Browser Versions (will) have native MNG Support (e.g: Konqueror, Netscape6). For MNG Implementation big thanks go to Gerard Juyn for helping so much! o Fixed the bug with not closed TIFF-Files! o Improved Errordisplay when loaderror occured. o Added Loadsupport for animated GIFs!!! o You can now customize the Toolbar in a seperate tab in Options. Just check the Buttons you want to use. o MANY small Bugfixes/Improvements/Changes. October 3rd 2000 - Version 1.85 Dev (Version 0.85): =================================================== o Thumbnailer: You can now select multiple files, and move, copy, delete them! o You won't believe it!!! Finally you can Maximize/Restore the Thumbnailswindow when you before minimized it, with just a click on the taskbar, as you would usual do ot. One of the most annoying bugs is finally gone! ;)) o Added 2 Items to the Viewmenu: "Fit Image to Window" and "Fit Window to Image". This way its faster to switch between the 2 displaymodes. (You can still change this setting also in the Options ). o Did some Modifications in the Thumbnailer. o Added a 3rd Toolbar created by Guillaume Obser. Now in Options you can find a Combo Box to choose the Toolbar you want: Small Toolbar, Default (Medium) Toolbar or Big Toolbar. o Added Effect: Seamless Image!! (With this you can easily make Websitebackgrounds from any image you want). o Added Effect: Pixelize. o Added Effect: Blur. o The default Backgroundcolor for loading transparent ICO Files is now white instead of black. o Fixed a small GIF-Loading Palette bug. o Added commands when right-clicking on an Imagefiletype that is associated with SlowView in Explorer (Reassociate Filetypes!): "Open" (the default, is the same as doubleclicking on the file). "Print with SlowView" (Prints the selected Image). "Browse with SlowView" (Loads the Directory into the Thumbnailer). "View in Fullscreen" (Loads the Image in Fullscreenmode). "Convert Image to..." (Shows SaveAs Dlg and converts the Imagefile). o Added Batch Conversion!! (Can be found in the File Menutitem) ;) o Added Commandline Support!! (See CmdLine.txt for more info). :) o Added Writesupport for Alias/Wavefront PIX Files (*.pix). o Added Loadsupport for Alias/Wavefront PIX Files (*.pix). o Added Loadsupport for Windows 3.1 and Aldus Placable Metafiles (*.wmf). o Fixed a wired Loading-bug with the "Use only one instance" command. o Several small Bugfixes/Improvements/Changes. September 07th 2000 - Version 1.82 Dev (Version 0.82): ====================================================== o Improved the internal Functions for Fileassociation with SlowView: IMPORTANT: ReAssign the Filetypes to SlowView (Options), else it won't work! The advantage is that it now works better in one case under Win ME, plus its required for future implementation of commandline parameters. o Thumbnailer: Improved SubDir and DirUp Pics. o Added Hotkeys: Fullscreenmode, ImageAsTilemap, Always maximize Window. o Fixed a ClipboardMemoryLeak. o Interfaced with LibPNG v1.0.8. o Fixed a bug with the Fontwidthdisplay in the StatusBar. o Added a Backgroundpicture to the Toolbar. o Added Option for "Always Maximize Window". (Can be found in the ViewMenu). o Added Support for Alt-Tab commands to the menuitems. o Rewrote the Filingfunctions used in MoveTo, CopyTo, Delete and Rename. o Smaller Improvments/Bugfixes with the Thumbnail-Report and -ListView Styles. o The coordinates of the selection rectangle are now shown relative to the upperleft corner of the pic and not the window itself. o Added some commands to the Helpmenuitem. o Improved Toolbarlook when using "non-flat" style. o Added Crop Feature. o Fixed a bug when using the "Restore Toolbar" menuitem. o Moved GrayScale and Invert menuitems from the Colorsubmenu to the Imagemenu. o Several small Bugfixes/Improvements/Changes. May 29th 2000 - Version 1.81 Dev (Version 0.81): ================================================ o Improved Toolbarlook. o Improved Pics used in Thumbnailer (Dirup and Subdir). o Improved Pastefunction a bit when pasting into a rectangle. o Fixed a small bug with the Printerdialog (empty Combobox). o When using the Big Toolbar and "use minimal windowtrackingsize" is on, the window is now never smaller than the toolbarwidth (like it is with the small toolbar). o Fixed a bug in the Thumbnailer, that could make load a Directory twice in some certain situations. May 16th 2000 - Version 1.8 Dev (Version 0.8): ============================================== o Fixed a bug when viewing 24bit interlaced IFF/LBMs. o Fixed a bug when viewing 32bit JPEGs. o Added Option: Toggle Use minimal WindowSize. o Added Option: Show Big Toolbar (shows another bigger sized toolbar). o Thumbnailer: Now also 2 different Viewmodes supported: "Original Size" and "Fit To Screen"! o Added Possibility to rearrange the Buttons in the Toolbar (Hold down SHIFT then drag the Buttons to the new Position) ;) o ThumbNailer: Moving/Deleting files now works correct (they get erased and the next thumb loaded). o Added Editfunctions: Cut, Copy, Paste: Now with Rectangleselectionpossibility. You can also move, resize the Selectionrectangle afterwards, paste into a selection, copy a selection, etc. (Use the LEFT MOUSEBUTTON) (Works not correct if the image is scaled, and not in Fullscreen). o ATTENTION: Dragging/Scrolling big Images is now done with the RIGHT MOUSEBUTTON. (Before it was the left mousebutton). o Redesigned the Readme.htm file and the SlowView Homepage. o Thumbnailer: Shows now also the Subdirectories, if any, plus a thumb for Directory Up! o Thumbnailer: Added Option to show FullPathname instead of only the Filename for each Thumb. o Improved Printingoptions a bit. o Added View-ImageAsTilemap: This is perfect if you quickly want to test how your tileimage would look like as a Websitebackground or for a tilemap in a game. (Best used in Fullscreenmode). o Added Options for Deletefile: Delete file to Recycle Bin. o Added Fullscreensupport. o Added Resize Image Function. o Added Option: Use only one instance. o The Statusbar is now also visible when the Windows-Taskbar is at the bottom and always shown. o The MenuItems and Toolbarbuttons are now grayed/disabled or enabled depending on if an image is loaded or not, etc. o Improved handling of all dialogs. o Improved handling with the Renamedialog when rename is not possible. o Slightly speeded up Directorysearch function. o Thumbnails: Added new option for fontsize: Use Default Font. (Thought for Systems, where the Thumbnailfontsize doesn't works correct). o You can now in Thumbnailsmode again navigate with the Cursor-left and cursor- Right keys. o Added Drag'n'Drop support. o Improved Filedeletion: Now, when deleting an image, the next image will get loaded automatically. If no Image is in the current directory left, a default image will get displayed. o Added Option to toggle confirm on filedeletion. o Added Readsupport for Casio *.cam Format (JPEG Version only). March 23rd 2000 - Version 1.76 Dev (Version 0.76): ================================================== o Added new Option: Toggle Show Filenames in Thumbnailsmode. o Fixed a Memorybug in the Thumbnailer. March 20th 2000 - Version 1.75 Dev (Version 0.75): ================================================== o Fixed a bug when displaying icons on NT4. o Now the filecreation date and time are also shown in the Statusbar. o Added new Option: Only view to SlowView registered Imagefiletypes in Thumbnailer. o When resizing the window, the Progressbar (if active, e.g: Saving, Loading Thumbnails, etc.) )gets now automatically also resized to fit the new windowsize. o Added a second ViewStyle: Automatically shrink big images to fit into screen, and automatically scale Images to the current Windowsize. o The new NextImage & PreviousImage Hotkeys are: Cursor Right and Cursor Left. o The new Delete-Hotkey is now: "Delete". o Added GIF Support (read & write). o Fixed some repainting problems in the Thumbnailer. o Some small bugfixes in the Thumbnailer. o Several minor changes/bugfixes. February 26th 2000 - Version 1.71 Dev (Version 0.71): ===================================================== o The Thumbnailer can now store up to 200 directories (before it was 80). o New Icons! January 21st 2000 - Version 1.7 Dev (Version 0.7): ================================================== o SlowView is now also available in german! o Fixed some bugs in the Rotate-left and Rotate-right routines. o Speeded up JPEG Loading in ThumbNailer. o Added different ScaleFilters like: Gaussian, Bilinear, ... o Added Effect: Gradient Fill. o The new Exit-Hotkey is now the "Escape" Key. o This Version should be more stable. o Added possibility to show/hide the Toolbar and/or the Statusbar immediately. o No Installation is required anymore! Just copy SlowView into your desired Directory, and it will work! :) o Added LoadSupport for Windows NT BMPs using BitField Compression. o Added a 5th CopyTo and MoveTo DirectoryStorage Possibility. o Improved OptionsDlg (File Associations Menu). o Slightly speeded up the JPEG-GrayScale Loader. o Fixed a bug when loading 16 or 32bit TGA's and Windows runs in 8bit Displaydepth. o Added a workaround for a Win32 OpenDlg Shell Bug. o Improved PropertiesDlg. Now you need only to press the "Ok" Button, not always "Save" :) o Fixed a BMP Loading bug, when trying to load a vertically flipped BMP (Height is negative). o Fixed a 16bit Floyd-Steinberg Dithering Bug. o Added Support for Floyd-Steinberg Dithering for 24-8bit ColorQuantization. o Completely rewrote the Window/Image Positioning and Resize Function. Works now also correct if the user has chosen another Fontsize in Windows than 100% ( e.g: 125% ). o Now the last used OpenDirectory get's stored and used. o SlowView now uses LibPNG 1.05 for PNG Loading/Saving. o Added another 24-8bit ColorQuantization method: Neural Network Quantization. o Improved ImageDisplay on Machines running Windows in 8bit DisplayDepth. o PNG's containing Alpha are now displayed much better (Alpha gets combined with Background). o Speeded up the "DirectoryExtensionSearch" (used in ThumbNailer and SlideShow). o Finally: Added ThumbNails/ListView!!! o Fixed a Save As Directory bug. o Some Minor Bugfixes/changes. o Added ReadSupport for DirectDraw TextureSurfaces (*.dds)! November 06th 1999 - Version 1.60 Dev (Version 0.6): ==================================================== o Fixed some TGAReader Bugs. o Also finally implementd 16bit Floyd-Steinberg dithering. o Finally: When moving an Image in the Window, the ToolBar and StatusBar Flickering/Overdrawing is gone!!! :) o Fixed a MSPReader bug (now support for MSP version 1.x (uncompressed) ). o Removed the Icon for the *.ico files. Now, when associating the *.ico files with SlowView, their IconImage will be shown as default in Windows. o Added better ErrorHandler for PSDLoader - means corrupt PSD files shouldn't hang the app anymore. o SGI Images received their own icon. o Added WriteSupport for Sun Raster Images. o Fixed many bugs in the SUN/RAS Reader. Should now work always ok :) o Improved JPGSaveing and JPGSaveDialog (support for smoothing, optimize huffman tables, progressive encoding). o Fixed a PBM-Reader bug. o Fixed some BMP-Saver bugs. o Fixed some IFF-Reader bugs, but still some left (i'll get them all hehe :) ). o Improved StatusBar. o Fixed some Sizeing/Repainting Problems. o Added OptionsButton to the ToolBar. o Improved Dither/Quantize Options. o Much better ErrorHandling. o When using Save As, SlowView stores now also the different Properties for every FileFormat, SlowView can save to. o Fixed Bug when viewing 1-8 or 32bit PNGs and Windows runs in 8 or 4bit Depth. o Fixed terrible Bugs in the CopyTo, MoveTo and Delete Functions. They should work now fully correct. o Improved Options. Now nearly everything gets saved automatically - means SlowView is now really configurable! :) o Improved CopyTo and MoveTo Dialogs. o Fixed a WidthBytes Bug in the 16Ditherer that loved to crash the app. o Improved the "FileExtensionLinkFunctions", means, now other ImageFileViewers like IrfanView32 can live with SlowView on the same System, without haveing to be afraid, that their Extensions get grabbed by SlowView :) So SlowView is now social to other ImageFileViewers that store their info in the registry :) o Added ProgressBars for saving Images and some effects. o Now SlowView always stores the last used SaveDirectory (and of course uses it :). o Fixed LoadingBug with 16bit PSD Images containing 2 channels. o Added ReadSupport for OS/2 BMPs. o Added ButtonizeEffect. o Added SwapRGBOrderCommands. o Changed the Colors of some FileIcons. o Added WriteSupport for PCX Format. o Added WriteSupport for SGI Format(None, RLE, ARLE Compression Types). o Greatly improved TIFLoading. It should now work better with most files. o Fixed small BMPLoading bug. o "Install.exe" doesn't kill any previous installed Associations anymore. o EMFLoader can now handle transparent Images too. o PNGLoader now can display 8bit files including Alpha correctly. o Fixed stupid Bug in PNGSaver that could crash the app when trying to save an image in PNG Format. September 23rd 1999 - Version 1.60 Dev (Version 0.6) BETA 1: ============================================================ o When viewing images bigger than the screenresolutions, the programwindow is now initially fully maximized. No sideborders anymore. o Finally: Options (Properties)!!! o Ha, a new MainIcon arrived! (devil :) o When saving an Image, the saved Image is now immediately loaded and shown after the saving is finished. o When saving 16bit Images (e.g: Bitmap Format) the images get automatically dithered. o Added HotKeys for nearly all functions, plus the HotKeys are now displayed in the menu, no extra dlg needed anymore. o Added Commands for viewing first, last and random Image in a directory. o EMF Loading works now a bit better. o Added Confirmation Request when deleting Images. o Finally added dithering for displaying images in 16, 8, 4bit displaydepth. o Reimplemented Read/WriteSupport for PPPFiles version 1 (ascii/RLE) (*.ppp). o Added WriteSupport for Truevision Targa Images (*.tga). o Added WriteSupport for Portable Network Graphics File Images (*.png). o Added WriteSupport for Tagged Image File Images (*.tif). o Added WriteSupport for Portable GrayScale Images (*.pgm). o Added ReadSupport for Slow Scan Television Format Images (*.hrz). o Added ReadSupport for SGI Image File Format Images (*.sgi;*.rgb;*.bw). o Added ReadSupport for Pictor PC Paint Format Images (*.pic). o Added ReadSupport for GDLib Image Format Images (*.gd2;*.gd). o Added ReadSupport for Portable Bitmap Format Images (*.pbm). o Added ReadSupport for Portable Network Graphics File Images (*.png). o Added ReadSupport for Tagged Image File Format Images (*.tif, *.tiff). o Added ReadSupport for Interchange File Format (ILBM) Images (*.lbm; *.iff). o Added ReadSupport for GEM Raster Images (*.img; *.gem). o Added ReadSupport for Sun Raster Images (*.ras; *.sun). o Added ReadSupport for Dr. Halo Images (*.cut). o Added ReadSupport for MAC PAINT Images (*.mac). o Added ReadSupport for MS PAINT Images (*.msp). o Added ReadSupport for Portable Graymap Images (*.pgm) (binary & ascii). o Added ReadSupport for X Bitmap Images (*.xbm) Loadsupport. o Completely rewrote PSD Loader! Now support for nearly all different types (8 & 16bit channel support also! CMYK Support!) o Completely rewrote BMP Loader! Now support for RLE4 and RLE8 Bmp's on NT too! o Completely rewrote TGA Loader! Support for 1-32bit TGA files! o Completely rewrote PCX Loader! Support for 1-24bit PCX files! o Completely rewrote PPM Loader!: Now every image is loaded correct, plus support for ascii-variants. o Fixed a stupid JPGLoadingOffsetbug. o Now the Loadtime of an Image is shown in the Statusbar. o FileAssocsRegistration now finally works completely with internal Registryfunctions and is ten times easier to use! o SlowView now uses JpegLib 6.2 for loading/saving Jpegs. o Added MinimizeKey: Escape (Bosskey :) o Scaled Images can now get scrolled around too! o Improved FileassocsDlg. o Again speeded up JPEGLoading. o Improved Installer. o Finally fixed some printerbugs. o Added ColorChannelcommands. o Added Reload command. o Added Clipboardcommands (Copy, Paste). o Redesigned MenuItems. o Added SetWallPaper commands. o Some small bugfixes. July 27th 1999 - Version 1.52 Dev (Version 0.52): ================================================= o JPEG Saving for some certain Images works now better. But theres still a damned bug left :( o Changed InstallerDialogdesign a bit. o Grayscale/Flipping functions now work correct with every image! o Edge computation when dragging the Image now works correct. o Fixed some Repainting problems. July 18th 1999 - Version 1.51 Dev (Version 0.51): ================================================= o Changed Optionsdialog style. o Added Emailresponse possibility. o Flip vertically/horizontally commands. o Speeded up PSD Loading about 15%. o Speeded up PPM Loading & Saving about 100%. o Speeded up JPEG Loading about 20%. o GrayScale function is now faster. o Fixed bug when viewing an image in a directory, where you can find more than 1000 images. Now increased the size to 5000 possible ones. Hope thats enough for now :) May 5th 1999 - Version 1.5 Dev (Version 0.5): ============================================= o Added SlideShow possibility! o Had to remove PNG Support temporary, cause i couldn't write a sufficient Loader :-( Perhaps in the following versions i will add good PNG Support. o Improved Installer. He has now update possibilty! o Added Accelerator commands for Next/Prev Imagefile and changed the look of the Keyboard commands Dlg. o Improved "Filesizevalueshowing" in the Statusbar. o MouseCursor is now placed on the buttons, when using the Scale or Next/Previous Image commands, so that you can do that really fast and don't have to move the cursor to the new position by yourself. o Defined the Minimum size for Windowtracking. o Added ToolTips. o Finally added "switch to Next/Previous Imagefile" Buttons! o Renaming is now easier to use. o Scrolling of Images with the Mouse now works correct. o Now Images can be saved in DIB Format. o Now SlowView uses a "Flat"-ToolBar. o Fixed Scaling-Repaint Bug. o Changed most ButtonStyles. o Smaller ExeSize. o General optimized Version. March 15th 1999 - Version 1.44 Dev (Version 0.44): ================================================== o Finally added scrolling for Images, when the ViewWindow is smaller than the actual loaded Image. March 06th 1999 - Version 1.43 Dev (Version 0.43): ================================================== o Grayscale function is now a bit faster. o Now Images can be saved in PPM Format. o Fixed bug with the icons. o Fixed small bug in the Grayscale function March 03rd 1999 - Version 1.42 Dev (Version 0.42): ================================================== o Now Iconfiles have an Icon of their own. o And again tried a new MainIconLook. o Created a small Installprogram for SlowView. o Added WaitMessage when saving Images. February 17th 1999 - Version 1.41 Dev (Version 0.41): ===================================================== o Added CompressionLevelMenu for saving Punk Files. o A bit better PNG support, but lots of things left to do. February 12th 1999 - Version 1.4 Dev (Version 0.4): =================================================== o Added Info in the Exefile. o Fixed small bug in PPPLoader. o Fixed stupid scaling Bug. o Added Updateinfo. o Added GrayScale function to EditMenu. o Decreased general Memoryusage. o Save As Jpeg now works always! o Rewrote the JPEGLoader. Now support for progressive ones. o Size of File is now shown in the StatusBar. o Updated AboutBox. o Fixed Bug in Installer. o Improved Uninstaller. o SaveDialog now works better and is easier to use. o Created new Icons. o Added support for Portable Network Graphics (*.png). o Added support for Portable Pixelmaps (*.ppm). February 6th 1999 - Version 1.35 Dev (Version 0.35): ==================================================== o Introducing Punk File Format 2.0! o Fixed some Problems with the TopMostWindowStyle. o Redesigned centering of Images. o Redrawing is now faster. o Added a StatusBar. o Fixed very small bug in the ZBRReader. January 31st 1999 - Version 1.33 Dev (Version 0.33): ==================================================== o Created a new SlowViewMainImage. o Added support for jpeg, jfif extensions. o Tried a new MainIcon look. o fixed some small bugs. January 14th 1999 - Version 1.32 Dev (Version 0.32): ==================================================== o Support for Photoshop PSD files. January 14th 1999 - Version 1.31 Dev (Version 0.31): ==================================================== o Added CopyTo, MoveTo, DeleteFile and Rename Functions. January 12th 1999 - Version 1.30 Dev (Version 0.3): =================================================== o Changed AboutBoxStyle a bit. o Created a new FileExtensionMenu. o Most of the files can be saved now in JPGFormat! o Support for JPG, GIF, PCX, TGA, DIB Imageformats! January 09th 1999 - Version 1.27 Dev (Version 0.27): ==================================================== o Added the list of Keyboardcommands to the Helpmenu. December 27th 1998 - Version 1.26 Dev (Version 0.26): ===================================================== o Added Accelerators for the most important functions. o Enabled printing of the Images. December 25th 1998 - Version 1.25 Dev (Version 0.25): ===================================================== o Support for Enhanced MetaFiles (*.emf). o Added a simple ToolBar. o Scaling is now faster. December 20th 1998 - Version 1.2 Dev (Version 0.2): =================================================== o SlowView is now always on top. o And again fixed a Positioningproblem. o Images can be easily stretched and/or shrinked. o Support for OS/2 1.x and RLE encoded Bitmaps on Win9X (not NT). o And Again fixed a problem when loading Images bigger than the actual Desktopresolution. o Images can be easily saved as Bitmaps in 16, 24 or 32 BPP! o Width, Height and Bitdepth of the Image is passed to the Title. o Changed Windowstyle a bit. o Now Images are handeled via a MemoryDC! o Loaded Files can be easily saved as PPP File. o Support for compressed Punk Productions Picture Files (*.ppp) !!! o Now the Fileassociations can be easily uninstalled. o Support for Iconfiles (*.ico) o Again fixed a problem when loading Bitmaps which are bigger than the screenresolution. o Changed the Bitmaploadroutine. Now on both Win9X and NT the Bitmaps are loaded ultra fast! o Bitmaps are correct repainted, resizeing of the window doesn't matter anymore. November 23rd 1998 - Version 1.10 Dev (Version 0.1): ==================================================== o Fixed Bug when using the Menu Open command. Now it works perfect. o Zoner ZBR File Support (*.zbr). o Tried a new Iconlook. Now with different Icons for each supported graphics file format. o Again fixed problem when loading small bitmaps. o Fileregistration works! Added menu to choose the fileextensions you want to view with SlowView. ( For now this is only *.bmp and *.zbr ) o Full NT-Compatibility o Under NT ultrafast Bitmaploading, don't know why with win9x so slow... November 12th 1998 - Version 1.02 Dev (Version 0.02): ===================================================== o Fixed a bug when using fileextension registration, although it doesn't work really... o Now the correct filename is passed to the Windowtitle when you use the OpenMenuItem. November 08th 1998 - Version 1.01 Dev (Version 0.02): ===================================================== o Wrote this Readmefile. o Fixed bug when loading Bitmaps bigger than the Screenresolution. o Fixed bug when centering small bitmaps. November 06th 1998 - Version 1.0 Dev (Version 0.0): =================================================== o Birthday ;)